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icon draft CRs 2023/03/03 19:35
icon R1-23xxxxx Summary of TDRA alignment between TS 38.331 and TS 38.214_v000_Mod.docx 2023/03/03 19:27 100,1 KB
icon R1-23xxxxx Summary of TDRA alignment between TS 38.331 and TS 38.214_v001_Mod_DCM.docx 2023/03/03 19:27 84 KB
icon R1-23xxxxx Summary of TDRA alignment between TS 38.331 and TS 38.214_v002_DCM_Ericsson.docx 2023/03/03 19:27 83,9 KB
icon R1-23xxxxx Summary of TDRA alignment between TS 38.331 and TS 38.214_v003_Ericsson_SPRD.docx 2023/03/03 19:27 82,4 KB
icon R1-23xxxxx Summary of TDRA alignment between TS 38.331 and TS 38.214_v004_SPRD_OPPO.docx 2023/03/03 19:27 83,5 KB
icon R1-23xxxxx Summary of TDRA alignment between TS 38.331 and TS 38.214_v005_OPPO_Qualcomm.docx 2023/03/03 19:27 84,1 KB
icon R1-23xxxxx Summary of TDRA alignment between TS 38.331 and TS 38.214_v006_Qualcomm_LGE.docx 2023/03/03 19:27 82,1 KB
icon R1-23xxxxx Summary of TDRA alignment between TS 38.331 and TS 38.214_v007_LGE_vivo.docx 2023/03/03 19:27 84,9 KB
icon R1-23xxxxx Summary of TDRA alignment between TS 38.331 and TS 38.214_v008_vivo_Mod.docx 2023/03/03 19:27 103,1 KB
icon ~$-23xxxxx Summary of TDRA alignment between TS 38.331 and TS 38.214_v009_Mod_HWHiSi.docx 2023/03/03 19:27 0,1 KB

11 items.